4 Day School Week Committee

  • The 4-Day School Week committee comprised Jarrell ISD staff and parents who volunteered to explore the possibility of a four-day school week. The committee met in the fall of 2022 and January 2023. They used existing data from ISDs across Texas with a four-day school week. In addition, the committee examined nationwide data and the potential effects a shortened school week will have on the community. Ultimately, the district's Board of Trustees chose a traditional five days a week school schedule. 

    Four Day School Week Survey Results - September 21, 2022

    Meeting # 1 - November 2, 2022

    Recommendation Reimagined School Calendar - December 14, 2022

    The Jarrell ISD Board of Trustees opted not to move forward with a four-day school calendar. Instead, the board chose a traditional five-day school week.