New User

  • New Account

    If you are a New Hire, or never created an Employee Access account, you will need to follow these steps to create an account with Ascender.

    1. Click New User.

    2. Enter Your Employee Number. (you may need to type 00 and then your employee number.

    For example, the employee number is 9999, so you would type 009999.)

    3. Type your Date of Birth (MM DD YYYY).

    4. Type your five-digit Zip Code.

    TIP: Be sure to enter the date of birth and zip code that exists on your employee record.

    5. Type in a Username, such as a combination of letters from your first and last name. User names must be: 6-8 characters (letters and numbers only), Unique (not used by anyone in the district). User names are not case-sensitive. No embedded spaces are allowed.

    6. Type in a password that is: 6-9 characters and must contain at least one of the following: uppercase, lowercase, and numeric. The passwords are case-sensitive.

    7. Re-enter your password for verification.

    8. Type your work email address, and then enter it again for verification. If your work e-mail already exists, you cannot make changes.

    9. Type your home email address, and then enter it again for verification. If your home e-mail already exists, you cannot make changes.

    10. Type a Hint Question, and then type in the Hint Answer. The answer is case-sensitive.

    11. Click Save. The Ascender home page is displayed indicating that you have successfully logged on to the portal. You will receive a confirmation email message containing your username.

    Save your password!