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Sharif Mezayek Named Chief of Police for Jarrell ISD

Sharif Mezayek has been selected as Jarrell ISD's Chief of Police. Chief Sharif Mezayek will help establish and lead the district's new police department.


"Chief Mezayek is an exceptional law enforcement officer. He has leadership skills, passion, and 29 years of experience in law enforcement. We're thrilled he's joining the Jarrell ISD family to launch the district's police department," said headshot of Sharif MezayekSuperintendent Dr. Toni Hicks.


Sharif Mezayek joins Jarrell ISD from Liberty Hill ISD, where he is the school district's Chief of Police. He has led the department since 2019. Before joining a school district police department, he worked at the Williamson County Sheriff's Office for 24 years. His law enforcement background includes Detective, Sergeant, Deputy Sheriff, and School Resource Officer.


"I'm honored to have the opportunity to protect our children. Serving the students, staff, and families of Jarrell ISD is a position that I value and take pride in. My lifetime has been spent protecting and serving our community. I am eager to start and meet our families," Chief Sharif Mezayek said. 


Sharif Mezayek is certified by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement as a Mental Health Officer, School Based Law Enforcement Officer, and Master Law Enforcement Officer. He starts later this month. 


He starts later this month.